Getting the right information about other business entities is crucial to protect your company and estimate risk of future investments and activities. It helps choose the best solutions and maximize a debt collection process.
To meet your organization specific requirements, in addition to debt collection services we also provide company reports. They deliver the vital information about financial and legal situation of your clients and their contractors/business partners, their payment credibility, financial liquidity or assets they owe.
A range of information gathered in each report depends on our Client’s individual requirements. The data we put together may considerably increase the safety of business transactions, improve profitability and competitiveness, prevent losses or help mitigate risk and take right decisions.
The remuneration for company reports – checking on the debtor in cases not referred to Orcada for collection, is agreed upon individually each time after we have been provided with the data necessary to do the checking and depends on a range of information requested to establish.
It is worth a mention that for all commercial debts referred to us for collection we provide free company reports. We gather and analyze information about the debtor’s business activities, financial situation and property which enables us to choose the most effective debt collection tools. A professional company report is vital when it comes to deciding if the legal and enforcement proceedings are warranted.